Partner with us

Working Together to
transform Patients’ Lives

We collaborate with like-minded companies innovating with impactful science, focusing on bringing their breakthrough healthcare advancements to the world.

Journey With

In recent years, most new drug approvals have come from small and mid-sized research companies. Provectis is dedicated to supporting these innovators by connecting breakthrough research with patient needs. We emphasize innovation, accessibility, and patient-centric care to ensure that high-quality treatments are swiftly and effectively made available. By providing strategic guidance and leveraging our industry expertise, we help accelerate the development and integration of transformative solutions across Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. Provectis is committed to improving patient outcomes and making a meaningful impact on global health.

Launch Excellence
Provectis will be your own business unit established on same
ethical and compliance framework

Pre Launch


Post Launch

Product Lifecycle Management
We help uncover the hidden potential in your brand,
strategically planning and maximizing product value.

Brand Maximization

Portfolio Enhancement

The provectis

We prioritize the well-being of patients above all else. We partner with cutting-edge biopharmaceutical companies, fostering long-term relationships, to deliver their trailblazing solutions to patients. Our commitment is built on three core pillars:


At Provectis, we advance specialty patient care by partnering with innovators to deliver cutting-edge solutions. Our expanding product portfolio reflects our commitment to enhancing patient care and improving lives globally.


Our premium products enhance patient care and support overall well-being. We use our digital, commercial and market expertise to ensure that holistic solutions are quickly accessible in Switzerland and beyond.


We provide high-quality products to support patients throughout their treatments. Our focus is on improving disease management, alleviating side effects, and enhancing overall well-being, with solutions promoting health and vitality for everyone.

Meet with us

We aspire to work with innovative partners who disrupt the status quo and are determined to find answers for patients. Contact us to learn how we can work together.